
2015-11-02 09.46.46My name is Lucy Ann. All my life I have been a lover of art in many forms. I was strongly encouraged to go to art college after I finished school, to be honest though, my heart was just not in it. Fine Art or Contemporary Art or Textiles were pretty much my only options back then and i knew that I loved to draw and paint nothing more, nothing less.

When I was 19 I had been consistently prolific with my art work, painting and drawing on every available surface from velvet to paper to my bedroom walls and floor. Suddenly and without any warning I experienced a terrible trauma completely based around my art work and I stopped functioning, artistically speaking, (and in general!) for many years. Maybe at some point I will do some work and writing around this event but for now I will leave you guessing and me comfortable knowing that I haven’t “over-shared”

I am an advanced clinical hypnotherapist by trade (My website) and love this aspect of my life though I am currently hampered by various health issues, with both physical and mental health disabilities meaning that my capacity for full time work is somewhat limited. I adore the English language and writing and write poetry, prose and have written a book about recovering from addiction which you can find here: “I had to die to write this book”

I love to draw mainly, though also really enjoy painting with acrylics and oils, though at the moment my main love is drawing, mainly faces and bodies. I also have a little side interest in drawing pets. I am in the process of creating an art journal using words and pictures to describe my journey through the pain and pleasure of living with bipolar disorder and PTSD.








Journalling and Journeying through Pictures and Words


Muddling through life and a PhD with ADHD

Daniel's Learning Blog For Drawing 1

A blog about my journey through a degree with OCA


Thinking, drawing, painting & learning

Michelle's blog

When I was younger I used to spy, today I still spy but instead I put it to paper leaving traces around me..

Has anyone seen my guild?

Just another WordPress.com site

Roger Rowley

Learning Log for OCA Drawing 1

Alison MacPherson: Drawing Skills 1

My Learning Log - Drawing 1

The Belle Jar

"Let me live, love and say it well in good sentences." - Sylvia Plath